crystallization heat

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  1. Studies on the Crystallization Kinetics and Heat Treatment Process of Transparent Lithium Aluminosilicate Glass-Ceramics
  2. It is good for the emanatory of crystallization latent heat and the improvement of the radical resistivity in the crystal.
  3. The inclusion of AT into polymer matrix improved the mechanical properties, crystallization behavior, and heat resistance of the composites, however, the effectiveness varied upon different systems.
  4. Compared with one-step crystallization heat treatment, the two-step crystallization heat treatment is helpful to improve the mechanical properties of glass-ceramics.
  5. Assuming that the mechanisms for particulate fouling and crystallization fouling are independence, and that the crystallization takes place at the heat transfer surface and the particle surface at the same time, a theoretical model of composite fouling of particulate and crystallization is proposed.
  6. Crystallization from solution is a complex multi-phase transfer process of heat and mass, in which the composition of solvent plays a very important role.
  7. The results showed that the crystallization heat of PA6 decreased when PA6 was blended with POE. In the presence of compatibilizer,γ crystal and crystal rate of PA6 in TPE decreased.
  8. The fatigue life-spans of specimens after dehydrogenization heat treatment and crystallization heat treatment are all decreased observably, which is caused by the tension internal stress.
  9. Crystallization produced in amorphouss region of height ordering during heat setting, it was the result that strain crystallization and thermal crystallization acted.
  10. Through the repeating experiments and the calculations of the ortho-trial tables, the optimal technical conditions of BSTS polar glass-ceramics was found and the crystallization temperature and the time of heat preservation were proved to be the most important aspects during the crystallization process of glass-ceramics.
  11. The sources of the system errors include Gibbs Thomson ′ s effect of micro_crystal, the pre crystallization of fine crystals in the magma, heat transfer delay of temperature measurement, the accuracy of analog to the digit transform, and others induced in the procedure of operation.
  12. Only considering the heat of crystallization, the specific heat and not considering the both parameters respectively, the calculated results gained from such conditions are compared.
  13. Expression, purification and Crystallization of Human Heat Shock Transcription Factor 1 DNA-Binding Domain
  14. Analysis of ammonium salt crystallization on high-pressure heat exchanger tubes in diesel hydrotreating unit and Countermeasures
  15. Crystallization temperature, crystallization rate and crystallization heat were found to decrease with the increase in LA ratio in PGLA.
  16. In order to improve the magnetic properties of Nd-Fe-B/ α-Fe nanocrystalline permanent magnets, the effect of heat treatment on magnetic properties of Nd_8Fe_ 77B_6Co_8Nb_1 nanocomposite magnetic material prepared by rapid quenching and crystallization heat treatment was studied.
  17. The result shows that the control of crystallization in industrial plant is difficult using nitrogen to heat PET pellet. The method of rapidly preheating treatment of PET pellet is requested to get rid of the influence of crystallization in the process of SSP.
  18. The GPE made of PVDF has bad solution retention capacity because of crystallization of PVDF and its heat stability has improved after adding PMMA.
  19. The comparison demonstrates that heat of crystallization can influence the temperature field greatly, so that heat of crystallization must be considered in injection modeling.
  20. The results indicated that the crystallization temperature, heat of crystallization, heat of fusion and crystallinity of maleic anhydride grafted polypropylene decreased with the extent of grafting.
  21. Study of Crystallization and Microstructure Evolution of Nano Amorphous Si-N-C Powders During Heat Treatment
  22. Study on Crystallization and Heat Stability of PET/ PEN Blends
  23. Currently in operation of crystallization, there is the ubiquity of poor heat transfer performance, the longer reaction time, uneven crystal size, irregular grain shape.
  24. Glass-Ceramics is a kind of composite solid materials containing large amount of glass phase and ceramic phase, which is made by the crystallization of glass by means of the heat treatment.
  25. Crystallization of twice heat affected zone and once heat affected zone attributes to thermal stability of heat affected zone, and structure relaxation affects greatly.
  26. The result indicates crystallization region mainly consists of remelting area, twice heat affected zone and once heat affected zone, and forms remelting crystallization area, twice heat affected zone-crystallization zone and crystallization belt of once heat affected zone.
  27. The amorphous phase will complete crystallization after heat treatment at 600 ℃ and the predominant crystalline phases precipitated were Fe rich phase and Fe23 ( C, B) 6 hard phase.
  28. The crystallization is related with the heat treatment condition, time and other conditions.
  29. And with the theory of metal crystallization and heat treatment, the paper also makes theoretical analysis preliminary discussion on the mechanism of fire on metals and changes of physical properties.